5 Best Apps Similar to GarageBand
Animoog is a music synthesizer app for iOS, which was developed by a small company, Moog Music. Animoog is a paid app that costs $23.99. The app is a touch-based synthesizer that can be used to create a wide variety of sounds. The app is very intuitive and easy to use.
Music Studio
This free app is one of the most popular apps for home recording, which is available for Android and iOS. Music Studio is a versatile app that allows you to create original compositions using a variety of instruments. The app offers an intuitive interface, which makes it easy for users to create different melodies and songs.
Touch Pianist
Touch Pianist is a free app, which is available for iOS. The app is designed to teach the user how to play the piano. Touch Pianist is designed so that the user can play by touching the keys on the screen. Touch Pianist offers the chance to play with the piano, which is quite an impressive app that is available for free.
Mobile Pianist
Mobile Pianist is designed with the intent to teach the user how to play the piano. The app is very easy to use and is available for free. The piano is also designed to be played with touches on the screen.
iReal offers an elegant interface, which makes it easy for users to create original compositions. The app has a sound library with over 90 instruments, which are easy to access. The app is available for both iOS and Android.